The Service Design Network has just released its second Service Design Journal. A great issue that landed in my inbox last week. To get the full content you will need to sign up for the Service Design Network which is well worthwhile. The second issue of Touchpoint, the sdn's Service Design Journal, is out now! Entitled "Health and Service Design", this brand-new issue features articles from Service Design and/or healthcare experts such as Julia Schaeper, Lynne Maher and Helen Baxter (NHS), Lavrans Lovlie (Livework), Ben Reason (Livework), Mark Mugglestone (NHS) and John-Arne Rottingen (Norwegian Knowledge Centre for the Health Services), Tine Park (Designit) and Christine Janae-Leoniak (Mayo Clinic) as well as interviews with representatives from these areas.
This issue of Touchpoint will explore the individual, social and economic relevance of health systems and the potential for Service Design to redesign and reinvent service offerings, service processes and service interactions. If you would like more information on SDN Journal please click here.